Monday, 7 May 2007

Random thought of the day

"We're so imbecile, we're searching up how to spell imbecile"- quoted to my sister

Why??? Because we're imbeciles, it's not that we didn't know what it meant, but we didn't know how to spell it. Picking my sister up, I just randomly said "do you know how to spell imbecile" coz I wasn't quite sure myself, but for that 5-10 minutes drive going home, we felt soooo stupid, trying to figure out how to spell this stupid word.

But it was hilarious. First came with things like imbosile, imbisile, imbesile, and then after saying the words over and over again, we began to feel the meaning of it- yes that is MENTAL RETARDATION

LOL actually the reason behind the word coming to existence that day, was that my brother being a complete imbecile, you'd reckon by the age of 23 that you'll realise not to put something metallic in the microwave. Well there you go "WHAT AN IMBECILE". Ok the microwave didn't explode, we're all safe, coz SUPER MUM came to the the rescue!!!

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