Saturday 12 May 2007

People come and go

People come and go

It's so sad to know that certain people come and go, without being noticed, or without your acknowledgement (not that they have to), but life is life and people have their ways. I can't keep them infront of me all the time.

Thing is, I just find it strange lately that a certain someone, with a certain name leaves, and another person with the same name reappears. Well, it's not like it's not possible, seeing that you probably have the same name as like many thousands around the world. I just find it weird sometimes how it seems like they haven't left, they just came back as another person...but now that just sounds insane, so I'll shut up.

But to build a friendship after so many years of working together or being with one another, it's just like a little bit of "something" being taken away from you. Not being able to joke around, have a little laugh together, give one another a hug or hi-five. I guess it will just get missed.

A manager that I've gotten quite used to; with his existence around the company, finally finished his manager traineeship and moving to another store. I'm gonna miss his funny jokes, his limping leg, his gigantic bodice, and friendly HI's. In general I will miss him...I didn't even know he was only 20 LOL...he reminded me of a High School friend, in that he would always say "Hi Wendy" everytime, and then make fun of me or something of that's really hard to bond well with managers these days, coz most times they shut off people, and stick to their managerial positions, hardly any of them will have a friendly chat with you...I guess that's why the store manager gets so lonely, and everybody hating him. I'll miss Sam very very much. But I met another Sam in my day-to-day basis, he's my group member for a group assignment, and SUPER SMART...I wonder what benefits I can rip off him HAHA :P

And another colleague of mine is leaving as well. I'm gonna miss her, she was awesome, a good pal, and always so happy to see me working (coz I do so much to help her :P ). Yeah, but she's gonna work for another business after 5+ years, she's been working longer than I have at that Target. But she was cool. Her name was Molyka, nicknamed Mo, or Mojo, but the awesome bit was she didn't mind being called Mojo, just like I don't really care being referred as Wing-man now, coz it is my name. But I'll miss her too. Bye Bye Mojo.

I wonder when I leave the Target store will there be people missing me...that way, and not just my hard work and efforts in the business. I dunno. I don't really talk to other staff, the way I talked to Mojo, besides work and how crap work is, or how crap customers is, or how crap the store looks, and the amount of work we have to do. I dunno, sometimes a few would go "Where have you been Wendy, I haven't seen you in AGES" but yeah, people come and go, as with good relationships.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.