Saturday, 2 June 2007

Perceived elder son, perceived maid, perceived responsible one...

Perceived elder son, perceived maid, perceived responsible one...

...any more with that?

So much so, that I had a bad dream last night. A dream that I HAD A PENIS!!!! Musta been a combination of calling my older brother-little brother, parents trusting me TOO MUCH, and the banana story that happened last night.

So what's the banana story you say? Nothing huge. Just last night I went to the casino for a birthday, one of the guys were carrying his entire schoolbag and in his lunchbox, he had a banana. The staff made him take out the banana and carry it around, coz they weren't allowed to mind their fruit, I think it's coz people my gamble till some ungodly hour and the fruit might go off or something like that. So here he is, a ~6 foot white guy with a banana in his pocket. Tell me that is FUNNY PLEASE!!! I mean you can't carry weapons but you can carry a banana around??? o.O

I mean, how often are bananas used for a replacement gun stick-up. OMG I can see how lame it is, every single commuter of the casino carrying bananas for self-defence, what will this world come to?

Then it reminds me of this scene in the Chasers war, when the banana market got seriously wiped out by a hurricane, which raised the price of bananas to $13 or something, they started to make banana as a new currency, and went around trying to buy stuff with banana currency, where nobody would accept it. It was funny.

I guess the main concern of this blog is what prompted the PENIS dream, suggestions please. It's not like I haven't had weird dreams before, I've probably been known to have wacky dreams, if you haven't heard so already.

Though that was a time of major sleep deprivation, insomnia, sleeping pills, and living day and night(through dreams, coz they were just so real).
Here are a few:
  • Being stuck in quarantine with a bowl of noodles at HK airport, with mum, grandma and sis(no guys apparently). We all had bowls of noodles whilst walking with 'em. Then a moment later they all DIDN'T have their bowls and chopsticks anymore, but I still had mine, so what did I do with it, went to the restroom, leave the bowl and chopsticks and went to the loo.
  • My friends(not mutual) joining forces and dissing another friend on a rollercoaster ride that seemed to surround a tall glass building, though it was slow...I was pretty sure it was a rollercoaster...then I wondered how they talked at such fast speeds. Was it going in slow motion?
  • Someone stealing my already done Rubix cubes and replacing it with screwed up 3x3, 4x4, 5x5, swapping them each time I had completed them, each time getting harder and harder.
  • Meeting up with an old primary school pal, that I hadn't talked to since then, and skydiving into a very deep deep valley.
  • Observing the view from a toilet on a balcony with glass surrounding at all the uni students walking past, not knowing people on toilets above are watching them.
  • One friend seriously hurting another friend whilst walking through a hardware store.
Final words, if I ever have a normal dream, I will tend not to remember them, it is only dreams of wacky nature that tend to stick, and the weird thing about it. It's SOOOO realistic. Though I still hate the ones where I get chased and having to wake up panting, they were tiredsome and scary.

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