Friday, 8 June 2007

I'm Deaf

Monday, June 04, 2007

I'm Deaf

I had another bad dream, a dream that I was going to be deaf.
A dream that I was hearing impaired.
A dream that I needed a hearing aid-AGED 19

I'm not stressed, well I don't think I am. I'm telling people I'm not stressed about exams.
People ask me whether I was worried? I said no, "worrying is for worriers" like "loosing is for losers"

Anyhoo, I gonna add to my slogan wallpaper the A3 piece of paper, which says "Stress less, stay fresh and god bless" - a new associate in Uni told me this one, he told me he used to say it to his old Human Resource Manager, which happens to be my current Human Resource Manager. I still have yet to say it to her though. I think it's a good saying, despite being non-religious, you can always god bless people.

It sure beats the other two slogans I have on my wall: TOP BALLS (for the Top Notch Balls thing, though I added the Notch on the computer, so Top Balls is what I hand-drew) and STOP BUYING CRAP (which really doesn't help, coz I still manage to buy crap, it was an idea for myself to save money, and not waste it on silly pointless items, though it doesn't really work well).

I tend to cover my wall with personal wallpaper, or anything really. Coz it's PINK!!! I dun like pink, the walls are pink, the curtains are pink, the wardrobes are pink, even a painting I have in the room is pink (though I like this painting it's like sunset in the country). So basically I try to cover the pinkness. Looks to girly. At the moment I've got the postcard thingy happening, collecting them free postcards and sticking them on the border of the ceiling, though only one is a REAL postcard. Send me one if you happen to go overseas. I even have an old Mr. Potato Man calendar dismantled and stuck to my wall, and I intend to finish some of these puzzles I bought (crap) and put em up. I got 7x 1000 puzzles, I'll never get 'em done, but it's worth trying right?


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