Friday, 8 June 2007

Mummy tells me I'm not breastfed :(

Friday, June 08, 2007

Mummy tells me I'm not breastfed :(

Oh seriously I have no idea how da heck I got onto this topic, but I must have asked mum THAT somewhere along the way of a conversation. And she tells me that Jennifer was breastfed, and Jackie was breastfed and I WASN'T.

See rivalry at birth already. Perhaps that's what makes me different from the others, and ...more normal
But its been said that babies that are breastfed at birth tend to be more smart...well I say scientific evidence proved that wrong, and us FORMULA babies that RULE!!!! LOL I dun remember what formula I had though, so I can't recommend which baby milk powder would make your children, smart like me

Then makes me wonder... if I was a premature baby, then why I didn't I get mummys milk? HEHE sorry, funny topic, gotta laugh my way through. And fat arse bro was born late, and wouldn't come out till CHRISTMAS DAY!!! I have legitimate reasons to call him that, coz a) he WAS a big fat baby, that was overweight and just wouldn't come out and b) he STILL is a fat arse bro, who does everything late.

Lil' sis also wasn't born to be the beautifulest of babies, at birth, she looked like a little brother, that suddenly grew up to be a beautiful girl. I feel bad now that I always teased her, that she wasn't mum and dads, and that she was probably swapped at birth, or the nurses got it all wrong, but that's only because the parents and relatives always wondered who this little girl looked like in terms of genetics. She doesn't really look like any of the family. But now people say she looks like me. HEY I didn't give birth to her...why look at me?

Sorry bout the high ego here, but I was the cutest baby of the bunch, coz I was little, and looked like the parents. Seriously I compare my baby photo, to my dads baby photo, we look quite alike, when I looked at it, I wondered if that was me in the black and white photo.
Now, ever since like forever, when I walk round with mum it's "oh mother and daughter, you two look alike" which mum would always sarcastically go "hehe we're sisters" just to make herself sound younger, or that I was compared to my HK cousin, "Oh it's “Stanley Ngs' younger sister" funny that, we both have the same surname too, so that didn't bother me as such, plus I never really lived in HK, so I wouldn't have a clue.

Where was I? Breast milk!!
Apparently the benefits of the above include:
  • Protection from gastrointestinal troubles, respiratory problems, ear infections- no wonder I have so much gas JK, had asthma as a kid, and ear infections HRMMM does having dreams of being deaf count?
  • Reduction of developing allergies- why yes I have allergies to YOU...JK but I generally get hayfever the easiest, allergy to flowers, pollen, lawn, cats, lotsa furry things, YEP I get sick the most, so when I am sick, noone really cares, coz it's NORMAL for me.
  • Boosts childhood intelligence- I actually felt stupid from Prep to Year 5, it wasn't till the Grade 5 teacher gave me that multiplications tape that I began to increase my IQ. 1x1 is 1, 2x2 is 4, 3x3 is 9....etc. I knew my timestable really well after that, and pretty much advanced in High School maths too.
  • Prevent obesity later in life- Errrr does that mean when I get fat, there's no return I shall have to go on BIG FAT LOSER????
  • Prevent type 1 diabetes- Uh OH, that's why I dun eat as many lollies as other kids, TRUE THAT
  • Prevent premature babies from infection and high blood pressure- makes no sense, I have low blood pressure.
  • Lowers baby's risk of sudden infant death syndrom- MUMMY HOW COULD YOU!?!?!?!?!?
  • Reduces some forms of cancer- oh no, I better get checked for everything then
  • For the mum: helps loose weight, lower stress levels, and prevents osteoperosis- I guess Jennifer and Jackie were just troublesome babies then HAHAHA, I'm also the odd one coz I don't have the letter J in my name, maybe I shall be Judith...NAAAAH
I might find that baby pic of me and dad for comparison...some day and recheck my eyes on it LOL

What a day to start off with: WATER RESTRICTION STAGE 10

Thursday, June 07, 2007

What a day to start off with: WATER RESTRICTION STAGE 10

I'd reckon this is probably what Water Restriction STAGE 10 would be like: ABSOLUTELY NO WATER within certain times of the day. They should do that more often, if councils REALLY wanna save it by cutting peoples' water supplies off *wink wink nudge nudge*

Our neighbourhood had its water cut off for the hours of 10am to 3pm today, although there was available drinking water supplied at the end of the street, I didn't really wanna walk all that way to get it. I waked up late, so I couldn't do the normal stuff with our natural water supply. So I had to brush my teeth with yesterdays urn water, and clean my face with a serviette and that water...I said to myself, I might continue to save water this way, though in the long run, might not be too good on my health. That water is umm errr a bit OLD and ....brown.

So all day, limited water drinking, toilet usage, and eating. Coz it would be nasty if I happened to have any upset stomach, requiring a toilet and then the HORROR of not being able to flush, that would be awful :P If worst comes to worst I was gonna drive up to Box Hill and use their public toilets(maybe that's why I sometimes see people brushing their teeth there).

I did survive the water drought of the household for the day, and some dimwit forgot to turn off the tap this morning, and it was gushing when the water came back, and overflowing in the bathroom. I dunno if that dimwit was me...but I'm normally not that careless, so I'll just shift blame and blame the elder ones.

Naturally without water, hygiene becomes a major issue to worry about. What does my brother do? PEE in the garden, great eh? Total privacy eh? How'da heck am I to know when his peeing schedule is? Though I think it's totally wrong (I didn't see anything though). HE'S KILLING THE PLANTS, not fertilising, I mean the amounts of liquids he drinks, I reckon he's peeing acid. So DRINK MORE WATER LADS!!!! I don't wanna know when he needs to take a dump, I sure don't hope the ones he finds in the garage is his (lately there has been piles of crap in there, his accusing possums, dogs, cats and even grandma LOL). And seriously, do guys wash their hands after they pee pee, or simply just dip it in water and call it clean? I dun wanna touch anything my bro touches after he pee pee :S Makes me wanna do what the mums does in that TVB drama and carrying cleaning materials all the time, and wiping everything that may or may not have BACTERIA on it.
Remind me why are we saving water? Because it's a limited resource right? Then why is it sooo cheap? I checked the last water bill, and it was only $18 for a month. Why don't they just UP the price? That way people might actually STOP wasting water. Now I don't get why I spend more to BUY water at supermarkets, when it's like $1 a a bottle, which ain't even one litre. So save water, drink your home water, saves money in your wallet too. Or I shall go and become a water accountant (no joke, there is such thing, began February 2007, that's your teaching for today).


So annoying...

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

So annoying...

When I'm actually in the mood to ACTUALLY study, the timing ain't right.
People just have to put things infront of me to postpone that studying...and then after I just loose interest, and it's procrastinating time again.

MUM wants me to tape her TVB dramas.
You might ask why don't I just set the timer? Thing is that she wants the commercials skipped, and that manual taping will overrule anything going wrong, bits being cut off, etc etc. But sometimes I fall asleep, or accidentally forget to repush the record button, and then I have to retape it at it's repeat time, which is like midnite onwards =.="

And cooking, mum doesn't get home till late late, or that she runs away to the casino or the local RSL, makes her sound like a addicted gambler, but she just goes to take out all her stress...even if that is loosing money.
We all have our stress relief. One form or another.

In a recent convo my sister had with her counsellor, discussing her problems, family problems etc, she was asked how our brother took over the stress of the parents relationship, he implied that Jackie did so by being rude, Jennifer by crying and being upset, and then when he asked her "how do you think you sister releases her stress?" her answer was "nothing, she's the most normal one".

When she told me this, I was like SUPER HIGH, I AM NORMAL- in a weird way. She did say weird after telling me, but naturally that doesn't affect me. But I am HAPPY I am NORMAL, and perceived NORMAL
LOL BAH HA HA HA hearing that just makes me slightly mental, but in a good way.

And then when I told people, they were like OMG what is your sister saying, you're absolutely insane and that's why I love you.

GEE WIZZ so what am I then? Insane, weird or normal? - I'll be happy to take them all AS ME. Coz infact...ssshhhh don't tell of the three. HEEHEE

Despite middle child syndrome...eeehhhhh...WHAT middle child syndrome?

Don't worry, thatisme4u, so deal with it!!!!!!!!

I'm Deaf

Monday, June 04, 2007

I'm Deaf

I had another bad dream, a dream that I was going to be deaf.
A dream that I was hearing impaired.
A dream that I needed a hearing aid-AGED 19

I'm not stressed, well I don't think I am. I'm telling people I'm not stressed about exams.
People ask me whether I was worried? I said no, "worrying is for worriers" like "loosing is for losers"

Anyhoo, I gonna add to my slogan wallpaper the A3 piece of paper, which says "Stress less, stay fresh and god bless" - a new associate in Uni told me this one, he told me he used to say it to his old Human Resource Manager, which happens to be my current Human Resource Manager. I still have yet to say it to her though. I think it's a good saying, despite being non-religious, you can always god bless people.

It sure beats the other two slogans I have on my wall: TOP BALLS (for the Top Notch Balls thing, though I added the Notch on the computer, so Top Balls is what I hand-drew) and STOP BUYING CRAP (which really doesn't help, coz I still manage to buy crap, it was an idea for myself to save money, and not waste it on silly pointless items, though it doesn't really work well).

I tend to cover my wall with personal wallpaper, or anything really. Coz it's PINK!!! I dun like pink, the walls are pink, the curtains are pink, the wardrobes are pink, even a painting I have in the room is pink (though I like this painting it's like sunset in the country). So basically I try to cover the pinkness. Looks to girly. At the moment I've got the postcard thingy happening, collecting them free postcards and sticking them on the border of the ceiling, though only one is a REAL postcard. Send me one if you happen to go overseas. I even have an old Mr. Potato Man calendar dismantled and stuck to my wall, and I intend to finish some of these puzzles I bought (crap) and put em up. I got 7x 1000 puzzles, I'll never get 'em done, but it's worth trying right?


Saturday, 2 June 2007

Perceived elder son, perceived maid, perceived responsible one...

Perceived elder son, perceived maid, perceived responsible one...

...any more with that?

So much so, that I had a bad dream last night. A dream that I HAD A PENIS!!!! Musta been a combination of calling my older brother-little brother, parents trusting me TOO MUCH, and the banana story that happened last night.

So what's the banana story you say? Nothing huge. Just last night I went to the casino for a birthday, one of the guys were carrying his entire schoolbag and in his lunchbox, he had a banana. The staff made him take out the banana and carry it around, coz they weren't allowed to mind their fruit, I think it's coz people my gamble till some ungodly hour and the fruit might go off or something like that. So here he is, a ~6 foot white guy with a banana in his pocket. Tell me that is FUNNY PLEASE!!! I mean you can't carry weapons but you can carry a banana around??? o.O

I mean, how often are bananas used for a replacement gun stick-up. OMG I can see how lame it is, every single commuter of the casino carrying bananas for self-defence, what will this world come to?

Then it reminds me of this scene in the Chasers war, when the banana market got seriously wiped out by a hurricane, which raised the price of bananas to $13 or something, they started to make banana as a new currency, and went around trying to buy stuff with banana currency, where nobody would accept it. It was funny.

I guess the main concern of this blog is what prompted the PENIS dream, suggestions please. It's not like I haven't had weird dreams before, I've probably been known to have wacky dreams, if you haven't heard so already.

Though that was a time of major sleep deprivation, insomnia, sleeping pills, and living day and night(through dreams, coz they were just so real).
Here are a few:
  • Being stuck in quarantine with a bowl of noodles at HK airport, with mum, grandma and sis(no guys apparently). We all had bowls of noodles whilst walking with 'em. Then a moment later they all DIDN'T have their bowls and chopsticks anymore, but I still had mine, so what did I do with it, went to the restroom, leave the bowl and chopsticks and went to the loo.
  • My friends(not mutual) joining forces and dissing another friend on a rollercoaster ride that seemed to surround a tall glass building, though it was slow...I was pretty sure it was a rollercoaster...then I wondered how they talked at such fast speeds. Was it going in slow motion?
  • Someone stealing my already done Rubix cubes and replacing it with screwed up 3x3, 4x4, 5x5, swapping them each time I had completed them, each time getting harder and harder.
  • Meeting up with an old primary school pal, that I hadn't talked to since then, and skydiving into a very deep deep valley.
  • Observing the view from a toilet on a balcony with glass surrounding at all the uni students walking past, not knowing people on toilets above are watching them.
  • One friend seriously hurting another friend whilst walking through a hardware store.
Final words, if I ever have a normal dream, I will tend not to remember them, it is only dreams of wacky nature that tend to stick, and the weird thing about it. It's SOOOO realistic. Though I still hate the ones where I get chased and having to wake up panting, they were tiredsome and scary.