Friday, 9 March 2007

Are you excessive compulsive?

Are you excessive compulsive?

First of all, much apologies, I have been neglecting my blogging self lately ever since that incident that shoved blogging Wendy into the darkest corner of her massive wardrobe. But she’s back, better, re-energised and probably more informative and less spastic fantastic (I mean the spastic bit really…but I can still be fantastic though).

So are you excessive compulsive? Do you buy what you don’t need? Can you separate your wants and needs in a logical way? What is spending too much? And why are you doing what you are doing? … The answer to these questions lies within yourself…YOU are the one to control your excessive compulsiveness, and it is YOU that shall stop that excessive compulsiveness.

What has suddenly hit me into such a topic discussion, well let’s say my excessive compulsiveness, and the fact that I need to discuss it, to know what I’m talking about…yes lads, this is the topic of “economics” how and why it exist, the topic of scarcity, capital (money) and resources. What we do and what we don’t have, and how to use it all wisely.

Okay it might sound like a whole pile of bullshit if you have no idea what it is, but that is exactly what economics is to me, and hence maybe I stepped in bullshit last year, stepped out of it and continued walking without noticing me smelling like shit…well this year, in repeating the subject, I shall try and clean that bullshit off my shoe this time and thoroughly going through it, picking at all the nits and picks of it. LMAO that sounds so wrong, but so true. It is what I need to do, to pass the subject with flying colours…GET SHITTY WITH IT : P

Okay I’m trying to make this topic as interesting as possible, as must I, to make this shitty subject as enjoyable as possible in the years to come.

Economics…what are the words that come to mind when I think about that word…besides the words shit and failure. I need to look beyond those two words and really think of its true meaning. As I close my eyes, all I can picture is the stock page of the newspaper…actually bad example. Okay shopping, everyone does it, everyone “needs” it and everyone “wants” it. Separating the words needs and wants may not be an easy task, and hence may lead to excessive compulsiveness.

How often do you look at something in a shop, like it heaps and MUST get it? How often do you get prompted by a sales promotion like 50%...or a sales advert on TV…let’s say New Nintendo Wii, or Playstation 3? How often do you see something that so and so might like and pre-purchase it for their birthday and then end up forgetting about it? Or buy stuff for no apparent reason, just because a sudden urge at that moment prompted you to open your wallet to withdraw X amount of cash, or ATM card and to push those digits for the store to gain X amount from your account? And how often have you said NO to something once you have grabbed everything you “wanted” and made your way to the cash register?

Let’s say many times except for the last one, yes I AM generalising, yes I AM allowed to, coz our modern society has made our generation such people, also a marketing perspective(another shit I need to clean up and reflect on, and understand that many business subjects are interrelated) has moulded our generation into such spending habits. Everywhere we go, we are surrounded with signs and banners telling us to SPEND SPEND SPEND. Hence many people ending up applying for loans, or ending up bankrupt. It is because WE as human beings are tempted by the physical materials, technology and time has given us. YES WE ALL ARE MATERIALISTIC…well ya gotta be if you’re reading this already. If you’re not, please take the clothes off your back and go live with the animals in Africa.

Needs are… yes, the clothes on your back, food, and shelter, that is all, basic survival needs, a person in all parts of the world would be able to share these common characteristics with you, a baby will, a grown adult will and the elderly will, as do pets (maybe not the clothes bit) but definitely, all living species on the planet share the same basic needs, they are the simple things that keep us going. Then comes the wants, the urges, the extra goodness life can bring. You don’t have to have a 3 course meal, it is normally wanted, you don’t have to eat a certain cereal brand, what’s wrong with the cheapest home brand one, you don’t need expensive designer clothes (Target ones do just fine, HA I’m advertising here). All these extra things are wants…they are the DEVIL (Waterboy extract).

The choice of choosing that “want” for something else is called the trade-off, choosing one thing for another, or choosing it instead of retaining the money to be spent more worthwhile. This is why people in a rich economy complain about being poor…because they have made the decision to spend. You may not know it, but if you are on a computer reading this, YOU are in a RICH economy. Therefore quit complaining.

Life is full of trade-offs, so choose wisely, and I shall leave y’all on this note to dwell on till my next informative post, it might be another shitty post, but it’s all the same, Wendy can get shitty sometimes. AND yes I AM excessive compulsive too.



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