Monday, 25 December 2006

Welcome to BRA BRA Wonderland

Oh, so what will this be about...hrmmmm....I wonder???

Welcome to "Bra Bra Wonderland", please feel free to ask for assistance if it is required.

Hi, how may I help you? Would you like a size 24 EE in that design...oh sorry "WE DON'T HAVE YOUR SIZE! big BIMBO!"

No, I wouldn't say anything like that, but the time I spend in that department is enough to drive me a bit coo coo (if you haven't noticed). I work for Target in the Ladies apparel, which kindly includes ALL ladies fashionwear, ALL ladies underwear, ALL cosmetics, ALL ladies sleepwear...and it used to also include ALL shoes, but lucky they gave that to the kids/menswear person...but if they don't show up for work, well must I say, the LADIESWEAR person has to take care of ALL APPAREL then, and that's no fun, did I also mention if the Fitting Rooms person doesn't show up either, the ladieswear person has to take care of that too....and then it becomes havoc, I hate it when that happens, but the store is getting better with people showing up for work.

The problem that lies, is that the store STILLunderstaffs people, and overstaffs when it seriously isn't required. The eve before MAJOR sales occur, you might see 3-4 people for each department, and normally 1 for each, and even shitter when they don't show up, or when they call in sick. ALL other Target stores have a billion red shirt staffs within a footstep away...not ours, our store is too tiny to staff that many, and trying to keep the store neater is even harder. Our store is even cancelling one of its annual stocktakes from two to just one...because it JUST AIN'T NEEDED.

Ah enough ranting on the management of our "tiny Target store"....back to Bra Bra Wonderland

Oh yes it's true, Target only stocks up to the size 24 EE, if you were to get anything larger, you'll have to go to a speciality the big complex MYER!!! or BNT(ha, I got questioned what BNT was, coz I forgot what is stood for, now I know, BRAS N THINGS)...and the smallest 10AA, anything smaller, you don't really need a bra, coz you may be a guy or you haven't reached the age for them....try the girls underwear department, there should be some crop tops there.

So here's a lesson for the guys...time to change the channel if you're not interested LOL, well I'm sure all girls would like to have their own Berlei Bra expert, if you haven't seen the advert for it already...but this doesn't prompt boob staring and getting to know your sizes, that's what bra size charts are for.

Basically bras go bigger from A onwards...and the largest size I know of is G...but on random forum discussions, I have been notified of the size Z, whether or not that is true...I would believe they would be the size of humans, and that seems wrong. So the sizes goes AA, A, B, C, D, DD, E, EE, etc...some don't have doubles I don't know why, it could be the dementedness of boobs these days, specially with the amount of chemically enhanced/destroyed foods. And the number, basically from 10 onwards...10, 12, 14, 16, 18'll never see odd number digits, sometimes in other countries they're measured in 30, 32, 34 etc, it's basically the sizing of your rib-cage in inches, the wider...well obviously time to get an upgrade then. There's the basics of bra that everyone knows them...I shall continue.

Oh not yet, you haven't learnt the different types of bras, you have to learn them too, to understand my pain(no I don't have breast cancer). There is underwire, wire-free(plus different supports: light support, medium support...), push-ups, convertibles, sports, T-shirts, and new ones such as the new "Virtual Bra" and even newer one "the U-Bra"...more on them too later...but also knickers, there's g-strings, string bikinis, bikinis, hipsters, boylegs, full-briefs, high briefs...and support briefs too. Can you imagine the pain I get now???

Having to know them...and understand them is not a easy task, remembering designs is another pain, let alone the names of them...too many times have I been posed with "Do you have the Winfrey bra in size 12B?"...and I'm suppose to know who the heck Winfrey is?? All the bras have different names, and different codes...oh and "I've got a code, 3846-2794, can you find that for me?"... NO coz I'm not a computer and don't know the specific location for a no. identification of a bra...though all these are listed on the label, but describing the bra is the best method...if I can't find it, I simply say "we're sold out" coz chances are, it probably is.

Yes names, there is Kirsty, Lola, Star, Donna, Caroline, Madison...oh just a bunch of girls names, I don't know why, I think because it gets confusing to name a bra "BRIGHT PINK AND BLUE POLKA DOT LACE STRIPE PUSH-UP WITH CHICKEN FILLETS" coz it would get too long then...chicken fillets, ah it's just a nick name for the things that go into the bra, to increase cleavage, hence being a push-up. But I haven't come across my name yet LOL

Sometimes you would be see me having a conversation with Kirsty, Lola, Star and Donna at the same time, NO NO I'm not that crazy yet, but who time when my sister came to visit me whilst I was working, I started to introduce them to her..."meet Kirsty, she's an underwire, lace, ooops sorry none in your size, she's for the 20+ sizing, sorry sis" HEHE, yeah I like making fun of my job, coz it allows me too, plus she is the only one to understand my broken english/chinese jokes.

AH I'll save the anticipation of what the "virtual bra" and "U Bra" is now, I'm sure you'll all love my descriptive talent...The "virtual bra" is made in the intergalactic world of JEUIWI with seams of magical powers, and feels smooth on their martian counterparts, the fabric is made from mythical atoms that leaves much to the imagination....oh how lame, it's basically a seamless silk feel bra, no imagination involves, simple as that, I just to make an idiot of myself, and the "U-BRA" well like it says, U, it's shaped in the shape of a U in the front to show the cleavage(if any) or to show a tad of skin, it's been advertised on TV...I reckon it looks weird though, but remember how "hollywood tape" would be used to keeps the boobs in, well Jennifer Lopez can now wear the new U-Bra without any flashing.

I had a guy ask me for one(for his wife), and he had no idea what mission he had been sent on to do, he didn't even remember the name of the thing, but my professional expertise led him straight to the spot. At least he knew that a guy carrying a bra around would spark "pervert alert" so I got him a basket, to hide his shame...but it's alright to ask for assistance guys, that's what customer service is for.

I actually had more that I added to this blog, but forgot to save as draft beforehand, so lost alot. But the name Bra Bra Wonderland, heh I tried to make it as interesting as possible, why wonder? Just thought of famous Wonderwoman who proudly wears her bras well HAHA, it's not fun at all, it's definitely not a Wonderland, maybe for guys, but not I...I hate having to sort them in size orders, style orders, colour orders...and getting bra strap burns on my fingers(not good), I reckon us "intimate apparel" girls have touched more bras in our lifetime then many others, and worth going into the Guiness Book of Records for our effort, well that's me from my end

Cheers chicken fillets

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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looking forward to looked over way more of your writing, enjoy your day :)